Moonlight Visions - Chapter 19

 Desirae stood up and moved toward her mother. 

“She is standing near you,” Doreen said, and Marsha turned  toward her daughter. 

 “Mother, I am so sorry.  I didn’t want you to hear it like this,” she said.
 “She wants you to know that she is sorry,” Doreen repeated after I told her what Desirae said.
 “I don’t feel her…is she still here?”  Marsha asked.
 “I believe that she has decided to stay with you…to not cross over,” Doreen answered.

That is when Marsha’s emotional façade crumbled.

 “Oh baby!  I miss you so much!” She said. 
 Marsha stood up, tears finally finding their way out of her eyes.  “My poor, poor baby!”
 “Thank you Ms. Caliente,” Marsha said before paying Doreen and walking out.
 Desirae’s spirit followed her mother out.  Doreen and I just stayed where we were, attempting to process what we just heard.
 After a while, I had a question for Doreen.  “How do you know so much about ghosts and accessing the spiritual realm?”
 “I have a consultant…I think you know her…”Doreen began. 
 “Helen tells me all that I need to know about ghosts.  She knows, because she lives with three of them.”

That explained why Helen was able to tell me so much about my new spiritual state.

 I stood up to leave after my shift was over.  “Thank you for your help…and remember, you can now go back and forth between the two realms whenever you want to,” Doreen reminded me. 

At the time, I did not know how useful that would be.

 Outside, I ran into Marsha and the spirit of Desirae.  I sensed that Desirae was content with her decision to remain in the world of the living.  But Marsha seemed to be on an emotional roller coaster.
 She went from seeming almost pleased, to a state of tears within minutes. 
I thought briefly that knowing how her daughter died may not have given her the relief that she thought it would.  Desirae may have been right in not wanting to tell her.  Sometimes we just can’t handle the truth.

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