Moonlight Visions - Chapter 24

I was just finishing up my alchemy studies for the day when Robert arrived home.
He appeared to be in a pretty good mood when he entered the house.  “Leeann, you still here?”  He called out. 
He checked the bedroom to see if she was there.
“Hmm, I guess she had to leave,” he said to himself.
Just then, Robert’s cell phone beeped, indicating that he had a new text message. 
He checked it, then immediately dialed a number on his phone.  “Hey Leeann…yeah, I just made it in.  I got your message.”
“Wait…slow down.  What happened?”
“OK, I’ll be right there,” Robert said before hanging up the phone.
I followed Robert to Eerie Park, located across from City Hall.  Leeann was there waiting, sitting on a bench.
Robert looked like he was glad to see her, but I’ve learned from observing him over the past few days that his expressions don’t always reflect what he’s actually feeling.
Robert sat down beside her and she started talking,  “I know you probably don’t believe me, but it’s true Rob.  Your house is haunted.  She was there…she was there and I felt like she wanted me gone.”

“It’s true.  I heard her,” Leeann insisted, not giving Robert a chance to talk her out of what she knew as factual.  “I can’t go back to that house…ever.”

“OK,”  Robert stood up to leave.  I could tell that he was out of patience for Leeann and her stories. 

“Robert wait…I still would like to see you,” she said, leaning in to kiss him.

Robert backed away and held her off.

“No Leeann,” He said avoiding her advance.

“What’s wrong Robert?”

“I just don’t think that we’re going to work out.”
Leeann appeared disappointed,  “Why not?”
“I just think that we should remember our night together and leave it at that before we get any further involved. I’m sorry.”
Without another word, Robert turned and walked away.

“But…” Leeann started, but let the words die.

I could tell that she didn’t want to see Robert go and I almost felt bad for what I did.
I turned to follow Robert, leaving any bad feelings that I had there in the park.
I doubted that I would ever have to deal with Leeann again.
When we arrived home, Robert sat down in the rocking chair.  Before long, he was asleep. He seemed so emotionally drained since the breakup.  That seemed to explained his indifferent behavior toward Leeann in the park. 
He almost seemed vulnerable there sleeping.  His tough exterior seemed to melt away, allowing me to see how beautiful he really was.
I moved in as close as I dared;  slowly realizing why I wanted Leeann gone so badly. It was because I was jealous that she was with him. 
I felt a strong urge to touch his face; to feel what his skin felt like. I moved in close enough to do it, but as soon as I came too close he was startled awake.
“What just happened?”  He asked himself softly.
Robert had finally reacted to my presence.  It dawned on me that maybe Robert did believe Leeann’s ghost story just a little.  Maybe  her whole purpose of being here was to open Robert’s mind just a little…just enough to allow the possibility of me existing to seep in.

Click Here To Read More Moonlight Visions
