Moonlight Visions - Chapter 29

 The Elaina problem was on the forefront of my mind the next day at the fortune teller’s caravan.
 While Doreen was busy chatting about work, I was listening, yet not listening.  
 Elaina was out to get Robert, but there was nothing I could physically do to her.  Just like there was nothing that she could do about me.
 “Would you like some coffee?”  Doreen was asking; preparing a cup for herself.  
 “No”, I answered quickly before returning to my problem.  I tried to recall things that could harm a vampire.  Movies often listed silver, wooden stakes, holy water and sunlight.  I made a mental note to myself to visit the library and research if these things were true.
 “Well, we have a couple of new clients today.  At least we don’t have to chase down any spirits,” Doreen said with her coffee in hand. 

I really wanted her to be quiet.  Her talking was distracting me from thinking about my problem.

 Suddenly, the answer to my problem came to me.

“Okay, so our next client is Annie Nix…this one is not a-”
I leaned forward in my chair, “Annie who?”  I interrupted, just to be sure that I’d heard correctly.
“Nix,” Doreen repeated casually taking a sip of her overly hot coffee.
This was the answer that I was looking for.  If I could get Annie and Robert to reconcile, maybe it would break the spell that Elaina had on Robert.  It would take Elaina out of the equation.
“Doreen…I need a favor,” I said.

“What type of favor?” Doreen asked.

Doreen finished her coffee and stood up.  I stood up as well and floated around as I explained what I needed from her.

“I need you to give Annie a fake reading.”

Doreen dropped her coffee mug on the ground.  “What?  Why would I do that?”  She acted as if I had asked her for the most terrible favor ever.
“Usually I would never ask you to do such a thing, but this is important.”

“Nothing is that important.  I ‘m running a reputable business here.  I can’t just go around lying to my clients or they would never come back.” 

I floated closer to her. “Doreen this is a life or death situation.  I know how hard this would be for you, but I really need you to do this.”

“Well you’re
gonna have to tell me why,” Doreen insisted as if what I told her would make the difference between her helping or not.
I explained the situation to Doreen as best I could in the few minutes that I had.  I finished up, “So you see, Elaina is a very bad person and she is after him.”
“Well, if she’s truly a vampire, she cannot harm him.  In order for the vampires to be allowed to reside here in Moonlight Falls in peace, they have agreed never to harm any of its residents.”
“Yeah, but you remember Desirae, right?  She was killed by a vampire.”  I reminded Doreen.
Doreen thought about it. “But that’s only one case and the police ruled that she died from an animal attack,” she said as a last ditch effort to defend her position.
“Doreen, you and I both know that it wasn’t an animal attack.”

“But - ,” Doreen started, but was running out of explanations. “Do you really think the vampires would risk their citizenship status by killing another person?”  She asked one last time.

“Yes, if they have infiltrated the police department and could cover it up like they did with Desirae’s murder.”

Doreen did not have to think very long.  She knew I was right.  “OK,” she said finally giving in.  “I’ll do it.”

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