Moonlight Visions - Chapter 38

 Robert was re-reading the article when Elaina finally walked in.
 She immediately picked up that something had changed.  Her eyes went from me to Robert, then back to me.
 “Listen to this…” Robert said and preceded to read the article to Elaina.
 “Can you believe that someone actually died here?”  He asked when he was finished.

“No…” Elaina said; realizing what this meant.  If he knew about me, it was only a matter of time before he’d become aware of my presence.

 She sat down and stared at me; unable to figure out how I pulled off getting Robert to look me up.
 “That’s actually a bit creepy,” she said.

“Especially to know that she burned to death,” Robert added.

“Actually…that parts a bit fitting,” she said as she turned to stare at me.  I was offended because I knew she was referring to the countless amount of witches that were burned to death throughout history
 “What?”  Robert asked; probably finding her statement to be a bit odd.

“Oh nothing,” she said retracting her inappropriate response.  “I have an idea…”

 “I’m in the process of having my home renovated…what about if I give this place a mini make-over.  I mean…it’s sort of creepy to keep the same furniture that a dead woman who was burned to death used to own.”
 “Would you be willing to do that?”  Robert asked. 
 “I can get started tomorrow.”

 “I actually have some money saved up. It’s not much, but maybe it’ll be enough to get you started.”

 “No!”  I said jumping up. 
 Elaina was very satisfied with my reaction.  “Oh yes,” she said.  “You won’t be able to recognize the place,” she emphasized; no doubt for my benefit.
 “Of course…this would also be a great way for me to pay you back for all you’ve done,” she added.  Robert thought she was talking to him, but I knew she was talking to me.
 If that wasn’t bad enough…when they both stood up, Elaina walked over to Robert and wrapped her arms around him.  He followed her lead by kissing her. It was more than I could take.
 The thought of her taking over my home, changing it and then pretending to care about Robert sent me over the edge.  I walked over to the coffee table and kicked it with as much energy as I could.
 If I had a physical body, I’m sure that the whole table would have tipped over.  However, to my surprise, I was able to tip the bottle over.
 Robert stood looking confused and surprised.  Elaina’s expression was a little harder to read.
 There was no question that she realized that I was getting stronger.  If I was able to manipulate my environment in a way that Robert took noticed, then I could steer Robert away from Elaina.
 Realizing this; Elaina knew that she had to take their relationship further.    That night as he was showering and getting ready for bed; Elaina waited for him in his room.
 “Are you sure about this?”  Robert asked.  “I told you last time that we should take things slow.”
 Elaina looked him in the eyes and pulled him down over her.  “I don’t want to take it slow…I think I’m in love with you,” her tone was desperate and Robert most likely mistook it for passion.
 I knew that Robert was looking to fill the empty space in his heart.  Elaina knew it too.  She was willing to fill it just enough to keep him in her grips.  I would have given anything to stop it, but I had my limits.
 Robert knew about me and maybe he even knew that my spirit may be still hanging around, but it didn’t matter.
 I could do nothing to fulfill his need for love.  I couldn’t help him forget his broken heart.
 I hurried out of the room; filled with confusing emotions.  I was overwhelmed with feelings that I didn’t know what to do with…feelings that I couldn’t express…
While Elaina pretended to be everything that Robert needed.

 Click Here To Read More Moonlight Visions
