Moonlight Visions - Chapter 50

I left Robert at work and spent more time at the library researching.  A little after dusk I rushed home in time to see Elaina speeding once again down the street.
I didn’t have to follow her to know what Janet wanted to speak to her about.  I was there to hear the urgency in her voice.  Instead of following Elaina just to hear the obvious, I decided to stick around to see what Robert was up to.
I was surprised when Robert decided to lie down on the couch for a nap.  
 I knew that he’d had a long day, but thought that maybe he was looking to meet me in the realm.
 Although I knew that I didn’t need to, I reached over and touched him gently on the cheek…
Just as I thought, Robert was standing in the realm when I arrived.
He bowed at the waist, “Good evening my lady!  I hoped I would see you here.”

 I chuckled at the formalities. 
“Do you ever long for a little normalcy in your life?”  He asked. 
“Everyday,” I said.

He chuckled, “I bet.  You’re a ghost and my boss and girlfriend are vampires.  Aren’t we a pair?”
“Do you dance?”  Robert asked, reaching his hand out to me.  I offered mine, anticipating the excitement I would feel once our hands touched.
He took my left hand and I awkwardly placed my right hand on his waist.
Robert politely put his hand on my shoulder, then he laughed.  “You never did this much did you?”

“No…why?  Am I that obvious?”  I asked.
“Well…it’s just, your hand goes on my shoulder,” he paused and guided my hand to his shoulder. “…and my hand goes on your waist.”

I laughed at my mistake.
 Then, ever so gently, he grabbed my other hand.
I closed my eyes as we began to gently sway to music in our heads. 
As if he read my mind, Robert began to hum the same tune that I had in mind.  Totally aware of the fact, he whispered, “I guess we’re just in sync in my dreams.”
I felt as light as air as Robert guided me gently.  “This is nice,” he said; his voice so soft, it was almost inaudible.
He leaned forward, placing his hand behind my back to guide me into a dip.
I closed my eyes and concentrated first on the feeling of my hand in his.  Then I became very aware of his warm hand on my back.  I wanted to savor this moment.
He pulled me up into standing position.  I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine.  Is this the normalcy that he seeks?  I asked myself. 
 “Elaina never wants to do this type of thing,”  Robert said as if he was answering my question.
“She’s missing out,” I said quietly.
Suddenly Robert pulled back from me.  He stood perfectly still…listening.
“What is it?”  I asked.

“I have to go…Elaina is calling me.”
“It’s time for me to wake up,” he said and once again I was staring at his back as he walked away.
I felt empty as he left.  All of the warmth and closeness that I experienced when he held me left with him.
The white nothing that surrounded me, reflected the nothing that I had inside.  I didn’t want Robert to go.
But he was gone…
Although I felt the dire need to hurry and return to the living world to see what Elaina’s next move would be…I stayed where I was for a few more moments; trying to bring back the sensations that I felt moments ago.
But…those sensations were snatched away by Elaina.

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